freedom040542 發表於 28-10-2015 19:16:19

呢兩日有留意sd吧 進度似乎不錯
遊戲採取會員制 無贊助依舊可以玩 贊助頭3做gm 按級數提升 ...
Q赤武Q 發表於 26-10-2015 19:57


工口仔 發表於 29-10-2015 12:01:33

freedom040542 發表於 28-10-2015 19:16



freedom040542 發表於 30-10-2015 05:08:38


工口仔 發表於 29-10-2015 12:01

    姐係自己唔想玩【內容已被過濾(P01)】又唔想人地玩 以為隻game係佢既?

亦可能單純搞破壞,不爽 等理由挂 ...
Q赤武Q 發表於 29-10-2015 12:20

    做高玩做到咁真係幾冇品 如果係嘍囉就話姐

UIOPRT 發表於 31-10-2015 01:11:11

回復 46# Q赤武Q


memorypieces 發表於 31-10-2015 03:18:31

有的順手PM埋 唔該晒:dizzy:

manhg 發表於 31-10-2015 14:18:58

首先感謝你的建議,對於你的建議我考慮了一下1:目前來說敢達並沒有什麼嚴重的惡性外掛,加 ...
Q赤武Q 發表於 30-10-2015 14:53


UIOPRT 發表於 2-11-2015 00:51:19

11月30 左右遞交申請至工信部 等待批取 批准的話最早11.30開服 不批或受到檢舉將會無限延遲
如果以内地【 ...
Q赤武Q 發表於 1-11-2015 23:22

   咁你係邊個論壇知道e d消息?

LKururugiPK 發表於 6-11-2015 11:46:43

本帖最後由 LKururugiPK 於 6-11-2015 11:52 編輯

Hello, LKururugi~ an experienced player from OGP server.:handshake:

I can't wait for this padres, my friends are really excited but i remain skeptical, for now. But i am excited too. /////

I'm just curious, How are you going to look after the sever for (bugs and glitch maintenance) ?? Events are redundant, we are grateful for getting the game back :D Let's hope the server will last a good while before any anomaly or complication.

You have my full support, as an adviser or overseer if any help is needed for this to work, let me know i'll give my email if necessary.:victory:

DarkImpulse 發表於 7-11-2015 04:31:19

Hi everyone~ DarkImpulse here ~, SDGO player from the OGP (North America) server~
This one is also excited to know about how this will turn out~
As LKururugi (SPINZAKU > : D) asked, how are you going to maintain the server/promote the game? This one read that the private server will accept donations for those stuff, but donations from current players might be limited. Another possibility are the private server's sponsors, butthis one's knowledge is limited to that area.. ;w;

It seems that many players from the previous OGP (North America) server are interested and looking forward to this too.

也能講中文,但很差 lol ,如果有误解希望你們能了解 xD
My Chinese vocabulary is limited and a little broken, so forgive me if I misunderstand something.. xD

freedom040542 發表於 7-11-2015 17:45:50

Hi everyone~ DarkImpulse here ~, SDGO player from the OGP (North America) server~
This one is also ...
DarkImpulse 發表於 7-11-2015 04:31

    ive got their email here:
i think the team is china-based so its best to communicate with them in chinese

according to a comment on the previous page, donation would be entirely voluntary
if players decide to fund the game they can pay via the Alipay system (some chinese paypal)
everything in the game can be obtained using game points system, meaning that players can enjoy all features of the game without paying
the only difference is that players who sponsor the game would reach higher vip status in their official game forum, and would earn points in the game easier, faster
「普遍以支付寳匯款模式資助資助多少將決定論壇的vip等級 招gm期間最高可高過1000 之後將設最高上限500RMD
而遊戲裏的g幣兌換率也與論壇的vip等級成正比 這意味vip人士只是更容易獲取g幣 即使不資助也不影響玩家玩」

its not a legal thing afterall
and i dont think its appropriate to make money through this
so they would probably just use all the funding in game maintenance
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